Monday, July 15, 2013

Time for a rest before British Nationals

Well we arrived safely back home just before 4 am this morning and are all a little worn out.  Boyd did very well at Nationals qualifying for the gold division and ultimately finishing 23rd overall.  Congratulations to all who qualified for 2014 Team Trials to be held in Stamford, CT next spring.

Next it is on to British Nationals with Team USA.  Of course there will be a blog.

2013 British Nationals Blog

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Service Plaza Stop

Final Results

Final results.

On the way home. Out of Michigan and heading through the buckeye state.

Last Race of Day

Benton and Boyd are mid fleet going downwind.

Last Day Race 1

Bad start for both Boys. Boyd managed to move up to 27th from 32nd even with a 37 on that last race.

It is very light and very hot. They just started the 2nd and last race. If they finish, they get a drop but I am thinking we may see the abandonment flag.

I don't know how to create a hyperlink on my phone but here is the address. You can just go to too.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Race 3

Boyd pulled it together last race for a 7. Benton with a black flag DSQ. Sorry B.

Race 3

Boyd pulled it together last race for a 7. Benton with a black flag DSQ. Sorry B.

2nd Race

As bad as the first.

Race 1 Day 3

First race was awful. Boyd close to last. Benton 51. They need to clear their heads and move on.

Launch Day 3

Results after Day 2

Boyd is sitting in the 19th spot after day 2.  The qualifying round is over and the medal rounds start today.

Results after 2 Days

Gold & Silver Fleet Assignments

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Day 2 Fleet Assignments Posted.


Good Night!

Results after Day 1


After 3

Results after 3 Races

Race 4

Looks like a 12 for Boyd and a 14 for Benton.

Race 3

Benton looked like 15 maybe. Boyd 4th. Measurement boat dinged him 10 points for not having his centerboard tied in. Ouch. Pretty sure he won't forget to do that for the rest of his life.

Prelim results after 2 races. I was off a little.

Race 2

Boyd with a 7 and Benton a 15. We will race 2 days to qualify and divide the fleet into gold and silver divisions.

Race 1

Looks like a 7 for Benton and an 11 for Boyd. Thinking Gannon high 20's. 83 boats on line. Not too shabby.

We hitched a ride.

Thank you Gary Bruce for the ride out today. Conditions are great. Blowing out of the north at 12 with a nice chop b

Fleet Assignments

Fleet assignments were published.  All three of our guys are in purple.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Riding the bus

We cannot park at GPYC so we have to bus it back and forth from Grosse Pointe High School. How you doing Mr. Amthor?

Delay due to storms.

A fierce line of t storms rolled in from the west causing a postponement to the girls championship. The kids came in from practice. Re rigging some lines etc and getting ready to head back out for some more time on the water.

Grosse Pointe Yacht Club

Now when your yacht club has its own draw bridge and a 187 foot bell tower...

Practice Day

Benton, Gannon & Boyd are heading out with Coach Jonathan to get a little practice in with Lauderdale Yacht Club & AYC. We are going to check out the yacht club and downtown Grosse Point.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


We arrived in just under 12 hours. We checked in at Grosse Pointe Yacht Club and are now at Brownies on the lake with the Troutmans who caravanned with us from the Northern Neck.

Getting closer...

Still trucking.

At least they will be well rested.

And they're off!

We just departed for Grosse Pointe, Michigan.  We should arrive at Grosse Pointe Yacht Club in approximately 12 hours.  We have a sleepy Benton Amthor and Boyd Bragg in the back of the Amthors' suburban.  Coach Jonathan Martinetti in the captain's chair.  I'm navigating and Doug Amthor is at the helm.

The plan is to check in to the hotel tonight, get a good night's sleep and practice in the morning.  The regatta begins on Thursday and lasts four days.  You can check out all of the regatta details at the 2013 USODA Nationals website.

Stay tuned...